





It’s been a year since we shared Kevin the farmer’s story with our readers.

We would like to inform you now about the miraculous results we have had since then.

First of all I would like to sum up the results we shared before.

Thanks to the Matrix Drops designed to help the calving, the little calves in Co. Tipperary, Ireland, were born without any complications.

They were alert, full of energy and vitality

The cows’ daily milk supply increased as well in the following few weeks with 1-1.5 litres per day and that continued throughout the year. There were changes in the quality of milk as well, not just the quantity. The butterfat and protein content showed a continuous increase, the purchasing company informed Kevin weekly. I can recall a conversation with Kevin when he told me “My cows are glowing”.

To Kevin’s request, Andras Kovacs-Magyar and Ildiko Kovacs-Magyar developed several Matrix Drops that increase the health of the cows and their immunity to different bacteria, viruses and tapeworms. These Matrix Drops are now available to the wider public.

During the summer, Kevin enquired which Matrix Drops were suitable for the further development of his farm. He was advised by Maria Hegedus to use once a week the Matrix Drops family developed in 2001 for the purpose of plants’ protection and the harmonization of their information field, namely the 2001 soil protecting and aura fortifying Matrix Drops combined with the 2018 Matrix Drops developed for grass. The combination of these two products was advised due to the trace elements bound in the soil by the use of fertilizers.

What happened next exceeded our expectations by far. The information was applied with a 2000 litre water cart. In that amount of water Kevin dissolved half a litre of each product. The watering was done on a 120 hectare area divided into plots of 4 hectares. The positive change was obvious even after the first application, indicated by the greener colour and faster growth of the grass. It also resulted in the increase of the protein and fat content of the cows’ milk.

Seeing the miraculous results of the Matrix Drops, Kevin decided that he will not use fertilizers in the future. He is also saving money while using the Matrix products. Compared to the chemicals available on the market, the Matrix products are only a fraction of the price, saving money, time and work for the farmers.

Based on these fantastic experiences, we can proudly recommend these products to all farmers and organic farms.

We would like to take this opportunity to say special thanks for these miraculous results to the inventors of the Matrix information drops, Andras Kovacs-Magyar and Ildiko Kovacs-Magyar.

To sum up, the results of using Matrix Drops quintessences are:

  • Increasing the vitality of animals
  • More lively animals, bursting of health and energy
  • Products specialised on bacteria and virus protection
  • Increasing immunity, facilitating calving
  • 1-1.5 litres extra milk per cow per day
  • Increasing levels of protein and milk fat
  • Releasing trace elements bound in the soil
  • Stimulating grass growth with clean chemical free information
  • Saving time and money for farmers
  • Less machine and earthwork (on larger areas the use of water carts makes the application easier)


The above results summarize the experiences of the last year and a half. Our aim is to share further results with anyone interested.


You can watch our pictures and film compilation above:


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