
The Congolese Health Minister purchased a Matrix Drops Computer!






The Congolese Health Minister purchased a Matrix Drops Computer!


It was an honour for me to meet with the Congolese Health Minister as the fellow worker of the Matrix Drops Company in Ireland. Christian De Buck Kiatazabu temporarily flew to Dublin with the intention to purchase the Matrix Drops Computer. The Minister's intention is to reform the health system of his own country. Christian came not only with the intention of purchase, but also to study the epoch-making invention of Andras Kovacs-Magyar and his unique healing system! During our personal meeting, he said that he sees the future of health care of his country in the education in Matrix Drops Computer and Matrix Drops Protocol.


Our acquaintance began three years earlier in Dublin, where the minister was studying. After being informed about the invention of Andras Kovacs-Magyar and the results of his healing system (Matrix Drops Protocol), he visited me as a representative in Ireland. He was led by his personal health interest and his steadfast search for effective cures, as he said. The accuracy and sincere truth of the Matrix Drops Computer analysis immediately shaded light on the background of his spiritual problem, which he has never found a solution before! Perhaps it is no secret to tell, that he had a bit of anxiety in a larger crowd (e.g. at airports), which symptoms occurred regularly. After he received the personalized Matrix Drops which successfully relieved his mental symptoms, the decision was made: to naturalize the system for his fellow countrymen! His mother also owes her health condition to the blessing effects of the Quintessences, and Andras himself took care about the earth's radiation measurement of her bed.


As I mentioned earlier, the minister spent several days with me by studying the innovative invention. He attended on our lecture in Portlaoise town, and mastered the Matrix Drops Protocol lifestyle and the possibilities offered by the magical world of the MD Quintessences on an advanced education course! From the healing system of Andras Kovacs-Magyar he personally convinced by the effectiveness of Andras's massage method, and he acquired the science of reflexology with the help of Monika Koczka. During our friendly talks, he shared with me the true purpose of his visit that his intention is to teach it and reform his country's health care system with the help of qualified professionals!


The family of the influential businessman has been a part of Congolese political life since the 1950s. Christian established a foundation after he purchased Matrix Drops Computer, in order to realize his idea and intention, that is, to materialize the healing system of Andras Kovacs-Magyar, with state support. He recently informed me, that at his meeting with the Economic Minister, he introduced the Matrix Drops Computer, which completely impressed the minister! He promised financial support for the implementation of the scheme and agreed to the purchase of more equipment. A full level of a state building have been chosen for location of the implementation in Kinshasa, in the capital!

A video about Christian's previous campaign can be viewed at the following link:



As a result of Ildiko Kovacs-Magyar and Andras Kovacs-Magyar's commitment and devotional work, the Matrix Drops attitude and product family was born. The whole world is watching its effectiveness which has reached beyond belief! Its fame spreads like wildfire, which cannot be limited! After Europe, Asia and the American continent, Africa also joined to the sympathizers of the system! It’s uplifting feeling to be an ambassador in Ireland for such a fantastic global business as the empire of the Matrix Drops Quintessences! I would like to thank the confidence of my teachers and the opportunity for mental and spiritual freedom that has been placed in our hands and in the hands of all humanity!  

With thanks: Istvan Hrepka

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