
Protection from electrosmog with MM protectors and Matrix Drops 869

Electrosmog protectors featuring the MM logo are helpful devices in the fight against electrosmog proliferation. In addition, the Matrix Drops #869 product is capable of restoring information pattern balance in the body which was interferred by electrosmog.
Electrosmog is electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic equipment. Based on the short documentary below, research proves that the probability of brain tumor development is higher when using mobile phones. When using a mobil telephone for extended periods, anybody can experience that not only the ear, but also the head may start sweating from the heat that’s generated. The most significant life affecting factor of different types of radiation is dielectric heating (this is the principle microwave owens take advantage, for example).
It is a well known fact that human body cells are directed by electromagnetic control.
Biological and chemical processes taking place in the body are controlled by electromagnetic waves occuring in nature in the 0.1-100 Hz frequency range. Storms, eartquakes or Earth’s magnetic field create waves in this range. Household appliances also generate electromagnetic waves in this frequency range.
Our bodies are very sensitive to changes in electromagnetic fields. Think about weather fronts causing generic discomfort, or mood swings caused by the weather to which explanations should be sought in electrical atmospheric changes and intensities.
A new approach, understanding and thinking is necessary now.
In our world, the number of transmission towers and radiating electric devices has skyrocketed. In parallel, the number of areas with disharmonic force fields has grown considerably.
More than ever, due to the occurence of cumulative problems, protection from harmful radiation has become critical and cannot be delayed.
With the field harmonizing MM protector and Matrix Drops #869 product our body fields can return to balanced states and we may enjoy the advantages of modern technology responsibly.
Protection by the Matrix Drops Kft. MM Protectors are effectively against the following radiation types:
- low frequency magnetic fields
- high frequency magnetic fields (RF)
- Electric fields (LF)
The devices have been certified by the Andrológiai Egészségügyi Kutató és Szolgáltató KFT in Hungary.
Protector Types:
- Mobile phone protection: 12.000 HUF + VAT / piece
- Personal, computer protection: 23.000 HUF + VAT / piece
- Car, Room protection : 60.000 HUF + VAT / piece
- Matrix Drops #869: 2.755 HUF + VAT / piece
(For larger orders, please contact our office in advance.)
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Matrix Drops Inc. Adriana Magyar
Tel: (310) 526-1551
11837 La Colina Rd.
San Diego, CA92131
Europe ambassador:
Dr. Magdolna Ásin
e-mail: am@matrixdrops.com
Tábornok Street 11/A. - 1st floor / 11th door 
Phone: +36-1-251-4983
Distributor worldwide:
Brilliant Water - Mr. Csaba Vida
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