
American Homeopathic Conference was in Long Beach- April 4-6, 2014 - Matrix Drops Computer


Our US ambassador: Adriana Magyar

e-mail: adriana@matrixdrops.com

Tel: (310) 526-1651

P.O. Box: 12437, La Jolla, CA 92039–2437

website: matrixdrops.com



                                                                     2014 JAHC Sponsors/Exhibitors

Join us April 4-6, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach, CA to showcase your organization to an audience of 350+ practitioners, patients, students, and general consumers whose interests include health and wellness, sustainable living, disease prevention, organic foods, and holistic lifestyles for themselves, their patients, their families, and their pets.

 This year’s conference, Advancing Practices: Approaches to Acute and Chronic Care, will be a 2 ˝ day event where participants will come eager to learn the most up-to-date information related to those products and techniques that most directly impact their homeopathic practices and lifestyles.

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